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Small air separation FAQ

There are several considerations for the maintenance of the oil cooler as follows. 1.The cooling water is purified fresh water. 2.To prevent scaling and improve the heat transfer coefficient, the cooling water temperature should be as low as possible and the water flow rate should be as large as possible. 3.In the cold season, in order to prevent the cooler heat transfer tube from freezing a...
Mar 28, 2025
VPS VTA in small air separation unit Variable temperature adsorption is an operating method that uses the equilibrium adsorption capacity of the adsorbent to decrease with increasing temperature, using ambient temperature adsorption and rising temperature desorption in small air separation unit. Two or more adsorption towers are usually set up to operate in cycles to achieve continuous production, with one (or several) adsorbing impurities near ambient temperature and the others staggering thro...
Mar 20, 2025
A water cooling tower is a hybrid heat exchanger. The purpose is to cool the air after the temperature of the cooling water in the cooling tower to make the water temperature down, in order to be used for air cooling tower cycle. Different types of water cooling towers are seeking to enhance heat transfer, improve the cooling effect, while the flow resistance to be as small as possible, so that the water is not easy to scale. In l...
Mar 12, 2025
The structure of the water cooling tower selected for air separation equipment has the following broad types. Sieve plate tower. Tower plate using aperture and hole spacing of the larger shower drop tower plate. Nitrogen and water are from the sieve hole through. As the water cooling tower is not working continuously and steadily, the cooling effect is not ideal, so it is no longer used. Cyclone plat...
Mar 04, 2025
Centrifugal compressor is a kind of turbine compressor, with more characteristics such as handling gas volume, small size, simple structure, smooth operation, easy maintenance and gas is not oil pollution, can be used in the form of drive. Centrifugal compressor principle of operation, the main goal of increasing gas pressure is to increase the number of gas molecules per unit volume, that is, to s...
Feb 24, 2025
Small air separation unit in place before the strength test and gas-tightness test provisions.   First, if the manufacturer has made strength test and has a certificate of conformity of the pressurized equipment, it may not be strength test only gas tightness test, but if the small air separation unit is found to have traces of damage or a site has been partially mo...
Feb 14, 2025
Pressure testing ofsmall air separation unit and piping systems requires pressure testing in different sections, divided into two sections: inside the cold box and outside the cold box.   Pressure test of the internal piping of the cold box: the system is tested by air pressure and the medium is dry, oil-free air. The test must be carried out by a dedicated partition responsible for strictly and carefully check...
Feb 07, 2025
When operating the molecular sieve purification system: pay attention to the installation requirements of the molecular sieve absorber, when the molecular sieve absorber is running, when the working state of the refrigerator, when the air compressor starts, when thesmall air separation unit is parked, pay attention to the working state of each piece of equipment. 1...
Jan 21, 2025
First of all, it completely conforms to the general principle of distillation organization and simplifies the organization of air separation distillation. Secondly, after the air separation distillation is organized in this way, the argon component in the air is almost completely in the oxygen argon mixture at the bottom of the air separation column, which is greatly conducive to the improvement of nitrogen ...
Jan 13, 2025
The volume fraction of carbon dioxide in air is generally around 0.03%, if the air compressor compresses the air to 0.62 MPa, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide can be calculated as 186 Pa. At the temperature when the air enters the air separation device, the saturated vapor pressure of carbon dioxide is much higher than the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, so carbon dioxide is in an unsaturated state, and carbon dioxi...
Jan 03, 2025
  In the small air separation unit, when gas or liquid flows through a shrinkage hole or valve in the pipeline, the flow will be hindered, and the fluid will produce vortex collision, friction and other resistance at the shrinkage hole or valve. In order to flow through the shrinkage hole or valve, the resistance must be overcome, showing that there is a pressure difference before and after the shrinkage hole...
Dec 25, 2024
If the air temperature in the small air separation unit expander is lower than the liquefaction temperature corresponding to the local pressure, part of the gas will liquefy and droplets will appear in the expander. However, the rotating speed of the working wheel of the turbo expander is very high, and the droplet impact on the impeller will cause the impeller surface wear. The droplets may also be thrown to the gap ...
Dec 17, 2024
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