For the old and new pressure gauge, its precision should be verified. Special pressure gauge calibrator should be used during verification. Generally, there are three common methods.
1. Liquid column type pressure gauge calibrator
On the connection pipe of the calibrator, one side is connected to the checked pressure gauge, and the other side is connected to the glass tube container with mercury inside, and the glass tube is marked with scale as the pressure indication value. When the calibrator is pressurized, the mercury in the container rises from the glass tube, and the precision is corrected by comparing the reading of the pressure gauge through the rising scale value.
2. Weight type pressure gauge calibrator
On the connection pipe of the calibrator, one side is connected to the checked pressure gauge, and the other side is connected to the piston with an area of 1cm2. There are many weights on the piston rod. When the supercharger presses the oil, the piston will be lifted up, and the weight of it will be compared with the dial reading of the pressure gauge, thus the accuracy of the pressure gauge can be known.
3. Standard pressure gauge type calibrator
On the connection pipe of the calibrator, one side is connected with the checked pressure gauge, and the other side is connected with 1 ~ higher level than the checked pressure gauge ~ Level 2 standard pressure gauge. When the calibrator is under pressure, compare the reading error of the two meters to get the accuracy of the pressure gauge to be calibrated.