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Kaifeng Academy of Sciences Air Separation Industry Research Institute was unveiled and established

Kaifeng Academy of Sciences Air Separation Industry Research Institute was unveiled and established
Aug 06, 2024
Author: DEAR AST

On August 5th, the Air Separation Industry Research Institute of Kaifeng Academy of Sciences held a plaque unveiling ceremony. Gao Jianjun, Secretary of Kaifeng Municipal Party Committee, and Ji Bo, Secretary of Henan University Party Committee and Honorary Dean of Kaifeng Academy of Sciences, jointly unveiled the plaque for the Air Separation Industry Research Institute. Yang Kejun, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Xue Zhiyong, Deputy Mayor, Bai Haifu, Secretary of the District Committee, Zhang Peng, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Executive Deputy District Chief, and Xu Yingze, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, attended the unveiling ceremony.


The Air Separation Industry Research Institute is the first industrial research institute to be established after the launch of the "Academy of Sciences+Leading Enterprises+Research Team+County Leading Industry" model by the Municipal Academy of Sciences. It was jointly established by Kaifeng DEAR Air Separation Industry Co., Ltd., Henan Zhongzhiwu Technology Co., Ltd., and the R&D team of the School of Software at Henan University. It is an important measure for Kaifeng City to layout its scientific and technological innovation system around the leading industry.


After the unveiling ceremony, the participating leaders and experts visited the Air Separation Industry Research Institute of the Municipal Academy of Sciences. Ms. Hai Xia, founder of Kaifeng DEAR Air Separation Industry Co., Ltd., and Dr. Li Guanxiong, executive vice president, warmly received and conducted in-depth exchanges on technological innovation in the air separation industry. They successively gained a deep understanding of the leading technologies in the field of intelligent air separation developed by DEAR, such as predictive control software based on air separation big data models, air separation digital twin visualization systems, artificial intelligence big models - vertical model intelligent agents in the air separation industry, and so on. Among them, intelligent inspection robots, MR technology, and intelligent drones showcase the charm of technological intelligence and have received high recognition from leaders. The main personnel of the research institute proposed that the eighth generation intelligent air separation will become a huge technological change in the future air separation industry, and the air separation research institute established led by DEAR, Henan University, etc. will surely become the leader of this change.

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During the visit, the leaders had high expectations for the Air Separation Industry Research Institute, hoping to accelerate the application and promotion of advanced technology in the air separation industry, improve the overall level of the industry, set a benchmark for the development of the air separation industry in Kaifeng and even the whole country, and lead the industry towards new glory.

The successful establishment of the Air Separation Industry Research Institute of Kaifeng Academy of Sciences is a major measure taken by Kaifeng and Henan University to actively respond to the national innovation driven development strategy and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. It marks Kaifeng's more solid steps in strengthening the layout of the scientific and technological innovation system and promoting high-quality development. In the future, the research institute will fully utilize its technological advantages and innovation capabilities, continuously strengthen deep cooperation with enterprises, accelerate the transformation and application of scientific research achievements, and contribute more to the development of the air separation industry in Kaifeng and even the whole country.


DEAR Air Separation will also closely rely on the Air Separation Industry Research Institute, fully leverage its core role, and strive to create predictive control software for air separation big data models, air separation digital twin visualization systems, promote the efficient implementation of unmanned remote operation and maintenance in the air separation industry, and actively explore cutting-edge technology directions such as intelligent inspection of robots and drones, MR, etc. With the brand new business card of "Smart Air Separation", we aim to help DEAR Air Separation stand out in market competition, accelerate the formation of a strong new quality productivity in the air separation industry, and create a brilliant new chapter of development.

We believe that with the concerted efforts of all parties, the air separation industry in Kaifeng  will usher in a brilliant future, adding stronger momentum and shining highlights to the regional economic development.

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