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Refuse to give alms

Refuse to give alms
Oct 23, 2018
Author: DEAR AST

Refuse to give alms HD photo 1A group of hungry refugees came to a small town, waiting for the mayor to give them food.

When the mayor passed the bread and cheese to a young man, the young man didn't rush to take the food like others, but said to the mayor, "Sir, you gave me these food, what can I do ?"

The town mayor answered with a smile, "I just provide you with some help. Where can you do the work ?"

"No, sir. If there is no work to do, I am will not accept your food !" The young man's tone is firm.

The town mayor was very moved, but there was indeed no work for the young people to do, so he had to squat down and let the young people beat his back for him.

Later, the young man stayed in the town and married the mayor's daughter. 20 years later, the young man became the 0.1 billion th richest man in the nineteenth century, and he was the oil tycoon Rockefeller.

[Truth ]:

Success, of course, has many factors, but refusing to work for nothing can win valuable self-esteem for oneself. To build a successful building, apart from confident cement and self-improvement bricks, it is also inseparable from the steel bar called self-esteem!


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