There are three types of adsorbers used in the purification system: vertical axial flow, horizontal double-layer bed, and vertical radial flow.
Vertical axial flow is mainly used as a supporting device for air separation equipment with a diameter of up to 4.6m and a grade of 10000. The bed thickness is 1550-230mm, and both layers and single-layer can be arranged. The vertical axial flow adsorber has the best airflow distribution.
The horizontal double-layer bed is mainly used for supporting large and medium-sized air separation equipment, with a bed thickness of 1150mm (molecular sieve)+350mm (aluminum glue).
Vertical radial flow adsorbers can effectively utilize the internal space of the container, expanding the adsorption layer area of the same diameter by about 1.5 times, which can effectively reduce the height of the tower. At the same time, the vertical installation method occupies a smaller area. Due to the uniform distribution of airflow, unlike the uneven airflow in a horizontal adsorber, the amount of molecular sieve used is reduced by 20%, and the energy consumption for regeneration is also saved by 20%.
However, the disadvantage of vertical radial flow is the concentration of the airflow center (fan-shaped area), which makes it faster than horizontal penetration time (requiring CO2<0.5ppm). The bed thickness is 1000mm+200mm, and the vertical radial flow can meet the configuration of air separation equipment with a grade of 20000 or above.