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Regeneration of molecular sieve for small air separation units

Regeneration of molecular sieve for small air separation units
Jun 15, 2022
Author: DEAR AST

The reverse process of adsorption is regeneration. When the adsorbent is saturated with a certain adsorbent, it cannot adsorb any more adsorbent, then certain measures need to be taken to drive the adsorbed adsorbent away from the surface of the adsorbent, otherwise it cannot work properly. According to the physical properties of the adsorbent, there are two methods of regeneration: one is to pass dry and warmed dirty nitrogen gas into the adsorber, heating the adsorbent, which will desorb the adsorbed mass when the temperature rises and be carried out of the adsorber by the dirty nitrogen gas. The other is to reduce the pressure in the adsorber so that the partial pressure of the adsorbent decreases and the molecular concentration decreases, thus achieving desorption of the adsorbent.
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