The relative values of low temperature effective energy and pressure effective energy are variable and the application of liquid air separation plant cold energy is based on the specific use of liquid air separation plant, combined with specific processes to effectively recover liquid air separation plant. In fact the essence of liquid air separation plant cold energy utilisation is the transfer of liquid air separation plant cold to the mass to be cooled to achieve the purpose of cold recovery The process is an irreversible thermodynamic process and there is an effective energy loss, and the greater the heat transfer temperature difference, the greater the effective energy loss. Compared to other utilisation methods, the temperature of the circulating nitrogen in the air separation unit is lower, between 145K and 23K, and the temperature difference with the liquid air separation plant is relatively small, so the irreversible losses in the cold energy recovery process are small, which is a more ideal and efficient utilisation method. By reducing the inlet temperature of each stage, the compressor power consumption can be reduced, thus reducing the energy consumption of the compressor by 11.1%. With a low temperature circulating nitrogen compressor, the circulating nitrogen is cooled to around 150 K in the liquefier before entering the nitrogen compressor, and the interstage cooling of the nitrogen compressor is also carried out in the liquefier. However, the low temperature nitrogen press is more expensive than the normal temperature nitrogen press. The cold volume of liquid air separation plant is utilised in sections, the low temperature cold volume is absorbed by the circulating nitrogen in the liquefier into the fractionation system, the high temperature cold volume is pre-cooled by the aqueous glycol solution to pre-cool the air, the smaller heat transfer temperature difference cold loss is also small cold volume is fully utilised.
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