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Five monks

Five monks
Aug 23, 2018
Author: DEAR AST

There were five monks living in a temple. The incense was not flourishing in the temple. Seeing that the monks couldn't open the pot, they decided to go down the mountain to get along with each other, leaving a youngest monk to watch the door in the temple.

After a period of time like this every day, one day, when the monks came back, they saw the little monks lying at the door and falling asleep. They were very angry one by one, thinking that we are working hard to get food to eat with you outside, you sleep at home comfortably. The monks decided to let the little monks go abroad with them in the future.

The little monk had to follow the instructions of the brothers and went out with them the next day. In the evening, the monks went back to the temple. They could hardly believe what they had seen. The door of the temple was wide open. Cabinets, boxes, clothes and scriptures were piled up in a mess in the yard ......

The monks were stunned, and all the food and money that they finally got back were swept away by robbers. They regretted.

[Truth ]:

Don't deny others completely because of a little mistake. Everyone has his position and function. If you let him leave his own position, you may gain more than good.

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