There are three kinds of adsorbers used in the purification system: vertical axial flow, horizontal double bed and vertical radial flow.
The vertical axial flow is mainly used for supporting the air separation plant with a diameter of less than 10000 (up to 4.6m). The bed thickness is 1550-2300mm. The double-layer and single-layer can be arranged. The vertical axial flow adsorber has the best air flow distribution.
Horizontal double bed is mainly used for supporting large and medium-sized air separation plants, with bed thickness of 1150 mm (molecular sieve) + 350 mm (aluminum glue).
The vertical radial flow adsorber can effectively use the internal space of the vessel, and expand the area of the adsorption layer with the same diameter by about 1.5 times, which can effectively reduce the height of the column, and at the same time, the floor area of the vertical mode is small. Due to the uniform distribution of gas flow, unlike the horizontal adsorber, the consumption of molecular sieve is reduced by 20%, and the regeneration energy consumption is also reduced by 20%.
However, the disadvantage of vertical radial flow is that the flow center is concentrated (sector), which makes the penetration time faster than that of horizontal flow (CO2 < 0.5ppm is required). The bed thickness is 1000mm + 200mm, and the vertical radial flow can meet the configuration of air separation units with more than 20000 levels.
For the purification system, throttle regeneration pipeline should be set to meet the needs of start-up. In addition, a safety valve is set at the regeneration gas side and a safety valve is set at the steam heater side to prevent leakage or overpressure at the high pressure side of the equipment or valve, as well as throttling overpressure.
The regeneration flow path is equipped with manual butterfly valve to adjust the resistance, so as to make the main column operate stably (or without setting, the main pipe is set with control valve for timing adjustment).