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No, the score must be wrong !

No, the score must be wrong !
Jul 29, 2019
Author: DEAR AST

Ozawa is a world famous music conductor. Many famous opera houses have invited him to join Zhibang for many times.
Once, he went to Europe to participate in the music conductor competition, and he was arranged to be the last one in the final. After getting the music score given by the judges, Ozawa Seier made a little preparation and began to command with full concentration. Suddenly he found a little disharmony in the music. At first, he thought it was wrong to play, so he let the band stop to play again, but he still felt disharmonious. Finally, he firmly believed that there was indeed something wrong with the music score. But all the composers and authorities of the jury present solemnly declared that there would be no problem with the music score, which was his illusion.
Facing hundreds of international music authorities, he inevitably hesitated about his own judgement. However, he thought over and over again and firmly believed that his judgment was correct. Therefore, he said loudly, "No! The score must be wrong !" As soon as his voice fell, the judges stood up immediately and gave him warm applause.
It turned out to be a trap elaborately designed by the judges to test whether the commanders could insist on their correct judgement under the circumstance that they found mistakes but the authority didn't admit them, because only people with this kind of quality can really be called world-class musicians.
[Success prompt ]:
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