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Getty quit smoking

Getty quit smoking
Apr 26, 2019
Author: DEAR AST

Smokers all know that once addicted, it is not easy to quit. Getty used to be a big smoker, smoking very fiercely. Once, he drove to France for vacation. When it rained heavily, his car broke down again, so he had to stay overnight in a hotel in a small town nearby.
At two o'clock in the morning, Getty woke up and wanted to smoke, but unexpectedly there was not even one. The rain was still raining, the street was full of sadness, and all the shops were closed. The only way is to get it in the rain in the car that you stopped in several streets.
The more there is no cigarette, the more desire you want to smoke. People who are addicted to smoking have this kind of experience.
Getty went back to the room, ready to take the hat and get the cigarette in the car. He stopped suddenly when he was about to go out. He asked himself: what am I doing?
Getty sat beside the bed and thought that a man who thought he had a rational mind should leave the hotel at midnight and walk several streets in the heavy rain just to get a cigarette. Is the power of this habit so strong?
He stood up and stretched himself hard, took off his clothes and put on his pajamas, and went back to bed, falling asleep with a feeling of relief or even victory.
So far, Getty never touched a cigarette in his life. He is the world-famous American oil tycoon-Paul Getty.
[Tips ]:
Self-control is one of the indispensable qualities of every successful person. When we are faced with temptation, we should use our rational mind to distinguish which is right or wrong, and then make the right choice.


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