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Air separation FAQ

How does the deflector in a DEAR Air separation unit turbine expander increase the gas velocity and does it produce cooling?
Sep 16, 2021
How do variations in the intake air temperature of the expander of a DEAR air separation unit affect the cooling capacity?
Sep 15, 2021
What should I pay attention to when reversing the automatic and manual operation of a DEAR air separation unit?
Sep 15, 2021
What are the saturation temperature and saturation pressure of the DEAR Cryogenic air separation unit and how do they relate to boiling point, evaporation temperature, condensation temperature, etc.?
Sep 10, 2021
Why is the temperature rise of the oxygen produced by the DEAR Cryogenic air separation unit different when the cylinders are filled at the same time?
Sep 10, 2021
How can I reduce the cold loss caused by the temperature difference at the hot end of the DEAR Cryogenic air separation unit?
Sep 09, 2021
What are the start-up characteristics of the molecular sieve adsorption purification process of the DEAR Cryogenic air separation unit and what should I pay attention to during operation?
Sep 09, 2021
What types of DEAR Cryogenic air separation unit switching mechanisms are available and how do they work?
Sep 08, 2021
What should I be aware of when switching between DEAR Cryogenic air separation units?
Sep 08, 2021
What should I pay attention to in the use and maintenance of medium pressure oxygen storage tanks for DEAR Cryogenic air separation units?
Sep 07, 2021
How does the DEAR Cryogenic air separation unit extract neon and helium from air?
Sep 07, 2021
Under what circumstances does the fractionating column of a DEAR Cryogenic air separation unit need to be cleaned?
Sep 06, 2021
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  • Large air separation
  • Small air separation
  • High purity nitrogen air separation
  • Liquefaction air separation
  • Complete air separation
  • Biogas purification
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