Taking BPO 28/150 type liquid oxygen pump as an example, the structure and working process of the liquid oxygen pump are introduced.
1. The main structure of the BPO28/150 type liquid oxygen pump is composed of eight parts, such as engine base, driving mechanism, crosshead assembly, pump body, cylinder liner and plunger, pump head and discharge valve, sealing packing and liquid filter screen.
2.Working procedure of BPO 28/150 type liquid oxygen pump in equipment Brief introduction of liquid oxygen in the reservoir is drawn into the liquid oxygen pump by means of valve.9. Most of the liquid oxygen is discharged from the outlet of liquid oxygen after pressurization by the liquid oxygen pump. After gasification, the gas cylinder is filled. A small amount of liquid oxygen is evaporated and gasified in the pump body due to frictional heat rise generated by piston operation and is discharged into the reservoir by the through-1O valve for cooling.