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Development of standards for air separation equipment

Development of standards for air separation equipment
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A user of DEAR air separation reflected that when the air separation plant was put into operation, a large liquid nitrogen storage tank was equipped for emergency backup when the air separation was stopped or export of liquid products. The value of oxygen content in nitrogen product is designed to be less than 3ppm (i.e., < 3 ×10-6) due to the high requirement of users for nitrogen purity. But in fact, the oxygen content of liquid nitrogen in the tanks had been found more than 5ppm. The substandard purity of liquid nitrogen not only affects the export of products, but also directly affects the emergency backup of liquid nitrogen backup system.
Sep 13, 2024
1. Enter the work area, wear all kinds of labor protection equipment; check the surrounding working environment; confirm the tools and machines; prohibit the use of defective tools. 2.When using the sledge hammer, it is forbidden to wear gloves; it is strictly forbidden to stand in the range of before, after, up, down, left and right of the sledge hammer, and no one is allowed to stand on the opposite side to prevent injury. 3.Before welding operation, it is necessary to carefully check whether the electric welding tools used are insulated, whether the primary and secondary wires of the welding machine are damaged, and whether the grounding wire is in good condition; insulating gloves must be worn to prevent the occurrence of electric shock accidents when the welding machine stops power transmission and switches on. 4.The safety protection facilities of oxygen cylinder and acetylene cylinder should be complete and reliable. When working, the distance between oxygen cylinder an
Aug 27, 2024
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